
  • Graph-oriented

    • The data models stored by graph databases are graph structures

    • A graph structure consists of nodes, edges and properties

    • Neo4j, FlockDB, OrientDB, …

  • Document-oriented

    • Are designed to store data with the philosophy of storing a document

    • The data is arranged in the form of a book

      • A book can be divided into any number of chapters

      • Where each chapter can be divided into any number of topics

      • And each topic is further divided into sub-topics

      • And so on an so forth

    • Perfect option to store data that

      • Hierarchical tree-like structure

      • Does not have a fixed depth or schema

    • Have the indexes of keys stored in memory for faster searches

    • Data stored in the XML, JSON and other formats

    • Can hold scalar values, maps, lists and tuples

    • Every value stored in these datastore is always associated with a key

    • Schema-less

    • MongoDB, CouchDB, Elasticsearch …

  • Column-oriented

    • Cassandra, Hadoop, HBase, …

  • Key-value-oriented

    • One of the fastest and simplest NoSQL databases

    • A big hash table

    • Every value stored in the database has a key (for searching and deleting)

    • Redis, DynamoDB, …

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